Ny analyse: Medicon Valley vokser hurtigst når det gælder publicering af videnskabelige artikler – ny europæisk klyngesammenligning

En ny analyse lavet af Øresundsinstituttet på opdrag fra Medicon Valley Alliance, MVA, viser at dansk-svenske Medicon Valley placerer sig på en sjetteplads blandt Europas største life science-klynger, når det gælder publiceringer af videnskabelige forskningsartikler. Medicon Valley er bedst i klassen når det gælder tilvæksten af publicerede artikler, med en stigning på 23 procent mellem årene 2006-2009 og 2013-2016. Resultatet er udarbejdet af det nederlandske forskningsinstitut CWTS ved Leiden University på opdrag af Medicon Valley Alliance. 

State of Medicon Valley indeholder også en gennemgang af regionens life science-klynge når det gælder blandt andet eksport, beskæftigelse og patentansøgninger. En konklusion er at Medicon Valleys større life science-virksomheder befinder sig i en omstillingsfase, hvor nye teknologier og nye produkter er i fokus.

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Highlights fra analysen:

  • 23%. The increase in the number of scientific publications in Medicon Valley between 2006-2009 and 2013-2016, as shown by a unique comparison of ten European clusters made by the Dutch research institute CWTS at Leiden University on behalf of Medicon Valley Alliance. It’s the highest rate of growth of all of Europe’s ten largest life science clusters. Considering that Medicon Valley came in sixth among Europe’s ten strongest research regions, this positive development is important for the region’s competitive strength in the future.
  • 54% of the scientific publications in Medicon Valley resulted from international collaborations. The analysis by CWTS shows that the international institutions with which Medicon Valley’s researchers work are primarily in western Europe, particularly in Scandinavia.
  • Export to China. 2017 was a boom year for life ­science exports to China: Sweden 45% and Denmark 16%. Both Sweden and Denmark lost some of their holdings on the important American market and increased their holdings on the second largest global market, China.
  • Increasing tax contributions in both countries. Danish life science sector’s contribution through employees’ income tax and corporation tax increased by 2% from 2015 to 2016, amounting to 16.3 billion DKK. The Swedish life science sectors contribution increased by 4% during the same period to 12.1 billion SEK.
  • Beacons in transition. LEO Pharma’s CEO Gitte Aabo is investing in biopharmaceuticals, potentially gene therapies, and digital solutions to become a global leader in dermatology. Novo Nordisk’s hope for the future – the diabetes drug Ozempic – has been approved. Ferring and Lundbeck are also in a renewal phase.
  • The BioInnovation Institute is open. Medicon Valley’s major new initiative is called the BioInnovation Institute, BII. Funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, with a budget of 392 million DKK, it aims to generate new companies from the  life science research at the region’s universities. The Institute is situated at COBIS in Copenhagen.
  • Expanding science parks. There are around 1 500 companies with a total of approximately 17 000 employees in the science parks in Medicon Valley that are fully or partially focused on the life sciences. Many of the science parks are expanding: among others, Medicon Village and Medeon are both building new office complexes; and DTU Science Park is scaling up with a new incubator – Futurebox.
  • Increase in patent applications. Danish companies sought 643 life science patents from the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2017. This is a 15% increase compared to 2016, and the highest number of life science patents sought since 2010. Swedish companies also sought more life science patents in 2017 than in 2016. With 355 life science patents sought in 2017, which corresponds to a 6% increase, the positive development since 2014 in the number of life science patent applications to EPO by Swedish companies continued, according to statistics from EPO.
  • Education. The number of highly educated employees at life science companies in Medicon Valley has continued to increase in relation to the total number of employees in 2016, growing from a share of 33% in 2015 to 35% in 2016.

– Glädjande är att den procentuella ökningen av antalet publicerade vetenskapliga artiklar inom life science är större i Medicon Valley än i något av de övriga klustren på Europas tio-i-topp-lista. Räknat i antalet publicerade artiklar är placeringen väl förankrad i mitten av listan som toppas av life science-klustret i London-Cambridge-Oxford. Tillgången till, och framväxten av, internationellt ledande universitetsmiljöer och forskningsinstitutioner är ett av de viktigaste fundamenten för att skapa ett konkurrenskraftigt life science-kluster, säger Petter Hartman, adm. direktør, Medicon Valley Alliance.

­– Life science-branschen befinner sig i en omställningsfas där prispress i USA och nya forskningsrön är två trender som påverkar utvecklingen. Företagen måste förnya sig och i Medicon Valley är flera av fyrtornsföretagen redan på god väg med nya produkter och strategier, säger Johan Wessman, adm. direktør, Øresundsinstituttet.

Cluster ranking – Number of publications


Export and employment statistics




























Interviews med blandt andre:

Gitte Aabo, CEO, LEO Pharma

Bo Ahrén, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Lund University

Erik Bisgaard Madsen, Vice Dean for Public and Private Sector Services, Faculty of Science – University of Copenhagen

Mogens Holst Nissen, Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences – University of Copenhagen

Katrine Krogh Andersen, Dean of Research, DTU

Olle Ljungqvist, Professor of Surgery, Örebro University Hospital

Thomas Nagy, Director BioInnovation Institute

Frederik Paulsen, Chairman, owner Ferring

Kerstin Tham, Vice-Chancellor, Malmö University

Trine Winterø, Vice Dean of Innovation & External relations, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences –­ ­University of Copenhagen

Fakta om større møder og konferencer, publicerede rapporter og organisationer (se side 83–87).

Analysen ”State of Medicon Valley 2018” er den femte rapport fra samarbejdet mellem netværksorganisationen Medicon Valley Alliance og det dansk-svenske videnscenter Øresundsinstituttet. Samarbejdet fortsætter i 2019.

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For mere information kontakt:

Petter Hartman
adm. direktør, Medicon Valley Alliance
+45 2371 5577

Johan Wessman
adm. direktør, Øresundsinstituttet
mobil +46 (0) 702 52 32 41